Q96 The Japanese word karoshi (death resulting from overwork) is now an internationally understood term and even appears in the Oxford Eng-lish Online Dictionary. Are there still instances of karoshi?

A96     The most common causes of karoshi are thought to be acute myocardial infarction (heart attacks), acute heart failure, subarachnoid hemorrhages and other types of heart- and brain-related dis-orders. Only a few cases of karoshi have been recognized by the Labor Office, but it is estimated that more than 10,000 salaried workers die of karoshi each year, and the number is increasing.

The problem is not limited to heart and brain-related disorders. Sadly, als becoming a problem are depression resulting from overwork, as well as people taking their own lives-in what is known as karo-suicide, or suicide induced by overwork.

The report was produced because Japanese clothing exports remain low. The correct answer is (a). The value of exports of Japanese clothing is the lowest among the major industrialized countries. In 2000, Japan's clothing exports were one twenty-fifth those of top-ranking Italy, and were valued at only 500 million dollars. Because the rankings have not changed since, METI is pressuring the industry to increase its exports and become more competitive internationally.