Q173What was China's economic growth rate in 2006?

(a) 10.7%
(b) 12.7%
(c) 14.7%

A173I China's economy is experiencing such rapid expansion that Japan's high-growth period pales by comparison. Its growth rate was 10.0% in 2003, 10.1% in 2004, 10.4% in 2005, and 10.7% in 2006. The answer is (a). According to a March 2007 Asian Development Bank (ADB) report, China's economy is expected to grow 10.0% in 2007, and its high growth rate is predicted to continue despite a slowing down in 2008 to 9.8%. India is also experiencing a high-growth period, having recorded an economic growth rate of9.2o/o in 2006. In the same report, the ADB expects the Indian economy to grow at a rate of 8.0% in 2007 and 8.3% in 2008. South Korea's 2006 economic growth rate was 5.0%, but the ADB predicts that this will slow down slightly to 4.5% in 2007 before accelerating to 4.8% in 2008.