Q167What are Japan's main marine product imports?

A167They include prawns, tuna, swordfish, salmon, trout, crabs, processed eel, and cod roe. Japan imports the most-in terms of volume and value-from China. Trade figures show that in 2004, the product imported in greatest quantity from China was processed eel, at 44,000 tons, valued at 58 billion yen.
Eating up the world's oceans billion yen. Prawns came next at 23,000 tons, valued at 17.3 billion yen. Other countries from which Japan imports large amounts of marine products include the United States, Russia, Thailand and Taiwan. From the United States, Japan imports large amounts of cod roe, cod, salmon and trout; from Russia, crabs, cod roe, salmon and trout; from Thailand, processed prawn products and squid; and from Taiwan, tuna,swordfish and eel.