Q158Food self-sufficiency and the rice problem. What was Japan's food self-sufficiency rate (on a calorie basis) in fiscal 2005?

(a) 20%
(b) 40%
(c) 60%

A158I According to the Minisrry of Agriculrure, Forestry and Fish-eries (MAFF), in fiscal 2005 Japan's food self-sufficiency ratio was 40%. The correct answer is (b). The rate remained consistenr for eight consecurive years beginning in fiscal 1998, but in fiscal 1991, 1992 and 1994, the rate was 46%, so the long-term trend suggests that food self-sufficiency is declining. In 1993, a poor rice harvest, attributed to unseasonable weather, led to a one-off drop in the rate to 37%.