Q101What revisions have been made to the Equal Employment Opportunity law for Men and Women?

A101 Discrimination against women is not limited to direct dis-crimination. Standards and systems are meant to be gender neutral and non-discriminatory but, in reality, few are, and so women are at a disadvantage as a result of not meeting the standards. The 2006 revisions of the law introduced three prohibitions:  1)  employment conditions  based on height, weight and strength; 2) the require-ment that staff in functional, non-administrative positions accept that they can be transferred anywhere in Japan; and 3)  the requirement that, before being promoted, staff have to experience working in another location. Also banned are such practices as requiring staff to move from full-time, permanent positions to part-time positions if they become pregnant or give birth.

Then, in the first half of 2007, Toyota sold 4.71 million units worldwide, 8% more than it had sold during the same period the previous year and overtook GM, which sold 4.67 million units worldwide during the same period. For the first time, Toyota became the world's top vehicle manufacturer.